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#1 2016-09-20 04:30:53

Registered: 2015-11-10
Posts: 24

I havent been approved yet so this is for mods

I saw some posts about people wanting LF standalone mode and most people being too lazy(or lacking the proper dependencies/compilers) to compile it with the proper makefile mods so i am hosting the alternate LF standalone firmware if people ask for it

I update my personal repos: … standalone
I dont use github much: … f-emulator

You can delete this post and just save the links and point people to it.  Maybe one day I will actually contribute something the devs find useful.  I feel like the chinese clones have more flash so maybe we could have both lf and hf emulation on it at the same time(switch between them).  I will look into it eventually.  I don't have a lot of free time anymore.  I plan on checking out proxbrute and the standalone cloner eventually.  I will do some writeups then too.

Last edited by Exploitagency (2016-09-21 08:16:25)


#2 2016-09-20 06:14:43

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,514

Re: I havent been approved yet so this is for mods

New rules for the forums to deal with the spam (coming from Australia mostly) ,  I've updated your rights so you should be good to go now. Sorry for the inconvenience.  There is also a Matty-run standalone forked repo on GitHub.

[edit] I moved your thread to here.  Feel free to change your subject to a more fitting one


#3 2016-09-21 08:12:54

Registered: 2015-11-10
Posts: 24

Re: I havent been approved yet so this is for mods

Will check it out
Thank you

Edit: found the proxmark pro kick starter don't know how I missed it.  I would have loved to have gotten my hands on one of those. Too bad it didn't make funding. I'm sure it is still in the works?

Last edited by Exploitagency (2016-09-21 08:25:45)


#4 2016-09-21 08:39:27

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,514

Re: I havent been approved yet so this is for mods

You should check out the new elechouse pm3kit,  they call it a proxmark3 reader smile


#5 2016-09-30 09:58:42

Registered: 2016-09-04
Posts: 52

Re: I havent been approved yet so this is for mods

Iceman, I saw you talking about the proxmark "reader" they call story, but Failed to find it.

They used to have the pm3 rdv2  clearly-advised as a product which could only be "less good as real old proxmark from our God bless America", Me being only a very little sarcastic.
Only chance not to be ridiculous on this is that : as RDV2 became new "standard",  the old kit didn't move it's price nor advertising, but RDV2 become more normally marketed with still a little impression that comparison figure has not been update accordingly.

Edit : I don't know Iceman why when writing to you, I always end up not only making useless long wordsoup, but also forgetting letters, useful words, and making strange errors as if I suddenly was retarded. I'm editing this accordingly.

So, where is this proxmark3 Reader ? sad

About the proxmark pro, it couldn't have been more a failure, but it wouldn't have been less a good joke to get to the community asking for money to get the community what HE know they need : Advertised like on TV-Market . Worst of.

This is my very feeling on the day he came :

"Community was lost, then He came, community gaved money, then he spoke the truth. And then He the Greatness of all Gave us not the Proxmark, nor the ProxmarkII, neither the ProxmarkIII, but as our eyes were wide open to the Truth, we saw the boards of the boards, in the name of it's son

The Proxmark Pro™

Last edited by cjbrigato (2016-09-30 10:11:56)


#6 2016-09-30 10:07:59

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,514

Re: I havent been approved yet so this is for mods

I don't know where the proxmark3 reader is.  You should ask Elechouse when they will release it.

The story behind proxmark pro I don't know,  just like you said from nowhere showed up and promises about firmware/client development but never saw anything on github or here.  I asked but no answers.  So its a lone wolf to me.


#7 2016-09-30 10:20:21

Registered: 2016-09-04
Posts: 52

Re: I havent been approved yet so this is for mods

Iceman, I thought this was a little sarcasm on how His Greatness of EveryMark™ has made a new product available and advertise it as worst as could be.

When I see proxmark pro, It's hard no to make finished product of one mod with same advertisement codes and, and send him with no comment, just to be clear on the fact that what he makes is not what should be made, but just what is made, and that having a aim in the very beginning of making a product is better to have according success. Design flaw at is finest, from the very beginning.


#8 2017-10-23 22:30:59

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,514

Re: I havent been approved yet so this is for mods

Old thread,  but,  well, I have seen the proxmark3 reader now.  Who knows if it will be released. Who knows. 
Its different in style, look and feel.    What a teaser I am.


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